Foundation Team

Sue Grant

Founder/Volunteer CEO

Sue Grant is a visionary whose passion for giving the gift of literacy to struggling readers has fueled the formation and success of The Literacy Project. Grant's focus on her college education in psychology forged a desire to help troubled youth and thus began a lifelong journey to help those who needed it most.

Laura Redd Rubin

Regional Director

As Regional Director, Laura is a consulting professional and brings more than 40 years of executive management and philanthropic experience to The Literacy Project. Laura Rubin’s extensive background in everything from managing complex organizational structures to planning annual special events helps The Literacy Project with effective communication and solid relationships with educators, volunteers, and supporters.

Alba De Luca

Director of Operations

Alba’s journey in operations and human resources spans over two decades. Her leadership is defined by a unique combination of strategic thinking and a deep commitment to operational excellence, rooted in a genuine commitment to serve others. Driven by the belief that literacy is a transformative force, Alba is passionate about propelling The Literacy Project to new heights. She understands the importance of maximizing resources and continually seeks out new ways to improve efficiency and effectiveness. She ensures that our programs and services are delivering the highest quality outcomes to those we serve.